The Feldenkrais Method® uses movement to improve your well-being

Using movement to improve well-being

Feldenkrais® classes are known as Awareness Through Movement® lessons and are a somatic practice

Feldenkrais® classes approch each movement with curiosity and in a meditative mind. Thanks to this method, it is possible to create a shift in the neurons, thus initiating significant long-term changes.

The individual or group lessons offered aim to make you aware of your habits, your neuromuscular rigidities, and to broaden your repertoire of movements, while improving your efficiency.

In Feldenkrais® classes, called Awareness Through Movement, movement is led by voice, slowness is often used to help you spot where the extra stress is, and to notice the unnecessary effort you routinely put into a simple movement. The latter will then become more pleasant, graceful, and effortless.

In Functional Integration®, the individual version of a Feldenkrais class, the pupil is led by touch as well as verbally to help you notice unnecessary effort and reduce tension. This learning can be carried on for a minimum effort and maximum efficiency in your daily activities..

The Feldenkrais Method® can be helpful for both adults and even children in the following situations:

  • Rehabilitation (following accidents or illnesses)
  • Postural or respiratory problems
  • Diseases having an influence on the musculoskeletal system
  • Support and accompaniment in chronic / progressive neurological diseases (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, etc.)
  • Immobility / inactivity
  • Pain, reduced mobility, or other restrictions of the musculoskeletal system
  • Concentration and learning difficulties
  • Stress
"Feldenkrais® is one of the best ways to get in touch with your body and to open it up to new and better movements than you thought possible."
Photo of Hunter Pence in a session
Hunter Pense
Professional Baseball Player, in the new edition of "The Elusive Obvious"

Feldenkrais® classes also allow you to:

  • Improve the efficiency of movement and posture
  • Reduce injuries (prevention) for dancers and athletes
  • Reduce the risk of accidents and signs of wear
  • Better manage stress
  • Increase the ability to concentrate and learn
  • Improve performance and endurance (for example, in sports)
  • Develop artistic potential, expression, and creativity in all fields of art
  • Optimize the stage presence of actors and other performing artists
  • And more!

Interesting Facts!

In Australia, most physiotherapy programs include Feldenkrais® classes.

In Switzerland, Feldenkrais® is covered by insurance for people recovering from an accident.

Clients in a Group Class of Feldenkrais Method®​

How do Feldenkrais® classes work:

What you’ll need: If your environment permits and it’s available to you, find a place on the ground to lie on your back on a yoga mat or thick blanket. If that’s not possible, you might find a firm mattress. 

If you know that lying on your back increases your pain, please contact me to see the feedback we respond to adapt this class to your needs

Group Classes:
Awareness Through Movement®

By experiencing the idiosyncrasies associated with movement (ease / difficulty, smoothness / trepidation, tension / relaxation, etc.), you will pay more attention to how the movement is performed, rather than worrying about its magnitude.

These classes, guided by speech, will help you improve your daily comfort, your performance in sports, or your presence on stage.

I urge you to move, without judgment, with:

  • The curiosity of an engineer, always seeking to look from a new angle to find new solutions.
  • The creativity of an artist, changing perspectives and bringing new colors to their palettes.
  • The listening skills of a musician, with tempos, staccatos, and adagios in motion.
  • The naivety of a child, who is discovering how to move and be in contact with his environment for the first time.

By drawing inspiration from all of these options, you will regain confidence in your innate sense, just as you were taught to walk without being told how to do it.

How about taking the time to explore all facets of movement with me? 

What to expect in a Feldenkrais® class?

In group classes, I invite you to explore the variations of a given movement or joint. We are then immersed in the exploration of the peculiarities, variations, and limitations of a movement. Each individual is called upon to identify their habits, and examine nuances which are less familiar to them. I try, as much as possible, not to demonstrate, so that students don’t rely on an external visual aspect, but rather develop their own kinesthetic sense.
Woman in a group class of Feldenkrais Method®​

Individual Classes:
Functional Integration®

With the precision of touch or my verbal guidance, you will learn to eliminate excessive strain, and move more freely and easily.

In functional integration, I develop a lesson adapted for each student, according to your current needs. You will be able to rediscover the comfort, pleasure, and ease of movement, as well as reorganize your body and behavior in new and more efficient ways.

Do you have a specific problem to solve or would you like to take advantage of a more comprehensive approach? Although these methods are not intended to eliminate pain or cure physical ailments, they can guide the movements suggested during the lesson, since each of them aims to improve your functions, your well-being, and your performance, whatever it is.

In my company, you will be able to gradually resolve problems, such as chronic muscle or joint pain, while discovering a more relaxed approach to your physical experience.

Functional Integration® will give you more efficiency, freedom, and ease of movement!

Photo Credits: Oda Aase Johnsen

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