These classes, guided by speech, will help you improve your daily comfort, your performance in sports, or your presence on stage.
I urge you to move, without judgment, with:
- The curiosity of an engineer, always seeking to look from a new angle to find new solutions.
- The creativity of an artist, changing perspectives and bringing new colors to their palettes.
- The listening skills of a musician, with tempos, staccatos, and adagios in motion.
- The naivety of a child, who is discovering how to move and be in contact with his environment for the first time.
By drawing inspiration from all of these options, you will regain confidence in your innate sense, just as you were taught to walk without being told how to do it.
By experiencing the idiosyncrasies associated with movement (ease / difficulty, smoothness / trepidation, tension / relaxation, etc.), you will pay more attention to how the movement is performed, rather than worrying about its magnitude.